Our House!
Meet our workhorse, a brewhouse consisting of a 10 BBL brew system coupled with a 30 BBL brew system. Collectively, these tanks have been custom-designed to fulfill our brewing ambitions of attaining maximum flexibility and reliable production in one brewhouse. The two systems share hot and cold liquor tanks, the heat exchanger, and the boiler; meanwhile all operating utilizing the brains from the same control panel.
By utilizing the same platform for the two systems, the setup is unique and efficient, allowing us to push the boundaries with our beer. It will enable us to offer a greater variety of beers and a continued focus on experimentation, while additionally giving us the capability to keep production constant. This system is a reflection of our promise as brewers to blaze trails into new terrain and keep exploration and innovation at top of mind.
Cheers from the New Terrain Brewing team! We will keep you posted as we get closer to a taproom opening date…